OIE Laboratory Sustainability

Focus Area: Risk Prevention

Project Title: Mitigation of Animal Disease Threats Through Sustainable Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity

Status: Complete (2021)

Overview: Part of a larger body of work by the OIE which aims to enhance the biosecurity of laboratories by promoting global laboratory sustainability, the Economic Expertise on Laboratory Sustainability project seeks to contribute to significant enhancements of the PVS Laboratory Tool and Mission methodologies which is grounded in sound economic theory and focused on countries’ needs and context. The project will 1) assess the current fitness for purpose of the current suite of OIE laboratory mission tools, 2) define the benefit streams of laboratories as relevant to donors, government, and private sector clients, 3) identify additional economic tools and key performance indicators, and 4) draft an advocacy paper on investment needs for sustainable laboratories.

Project Duration: May 2020 – August 2021

IIAD Project Team: Jessica Cargill, Miguel Gonzalez

Consultants/Partners: University of Liverpool

Outcomes, Solutions, & Impact: TBD