Operation Phoenix

Portfolio: Risk Prevention

Project Title: Operation Phoenix

Status: In progress

Overview: IIAD and the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) are collaborating to deliver a multiregional global simulation exercise known as “Operation Phoenix”. This project focuses on the coordination between animal health and law enforcement sectors in response to animal health crises. The IIAD project team has been conducting interviews with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), OIE, and law enforcement personnel at focal points across the globe to understand the current state of communication mechanisms in order to determine appropriate testing elements for the exercise.

The Phoenix Exercise will deliver a globally relevant, international tabletop exercise occurring simultaneously in multiple regions of the world, specifically in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia. This exercise will allow representatives from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Member States to confer and interact in real-time to discuss the coordination of response actions.

Project Duration: n/a

IIAD Project Team: Jessica Cargill, Miguel Gonzalez

Outcomes, Solutions, & Impact: TBD