Healthy Border 2030 Roadmap

  • Portfolio:  Risk Prevention
  • Project Title: Healthy Border 2020 Binational Closeout Report and the Healthy Border 2030 Roadmap
  • Status: In Progress
  • Overview: As a sub-awardee from Cross Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense (CBTS) led by Texas A&M University, IIAD will be partnering with The United States-Mexico Border Health Commission to develop the Healthy Border 2020 Binational Closeout Report and the Healthy Border 2030 Roadmap.
  • Project Duration: 1 year
  • IIAD Project Team: Heather Simmons, Jimmy Tickel, Christine Budke, Tifany Aquino
  • Texas A&M Staff: Juan Pablo Fimbres Macias (PhD Student)
  • External Consultants: Human and Health Services (HHS), US and Mexican Border Health Commission (USMBHC)
  • Outcomes, Solutions, & Impact: TBD