Veterinarian Economic & Social Support Recruitment Toolbox

Portfolio: Risk Management

Project Title: Providing a Community Economic and Social Support Toolbox for Recruitment of Veterinarians to Underserved Areas

Status: In Progress

Overview: Collaborating with West Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine, a national survey will be conducted on veterinary schools, private practitioners, and state animal health officials to determine attributes needed to entice recent graduates and private veterinarians to be recruited to a national veterinary shortage area. Specific educational templates will be developed into a “Community and Economic Social Support Toolbox” with plans to pilot the tool in two Texas counties to enhance the recruitment process of veterinarians within small-town communities.

Project Duration: 3 years

IIAD Project Team: Heather Simmons, Sarah Manning

External Partners: Dee Ellis, Dan Posey, Jennifer Schleining

Outcomes, Solutions, & Impact: TBD