Point of Care Test Adaptation Process
Portfolio: Risk Prevention
Project Title: Point of Care Test Adaptation Process
Overview: After a high consequence disease outbreak is detected, rapid and high throughput testing is essential to respond to, contain, and eventually eradicate the disease. Point of Care (POC) assays for high-consequence Foreign Animal Diseases (FADs) support laboratories in disease outbreak response, however, many of these potentially useful FAD POC assays have been developed for use in foreign countries but have not been tested or validated for use in the United States. Due to the economic importance of high consequence disease testing, application of POCs can only be done after careful and methodical consideration, which includes the economic impacts of using POC assays, how POC assays should be approved for use in the US, when and where POC assays would be used, how personnel would be trained and found competent to perform POC assays, and how POC assays can be incorporated into response plans. To address these considerations, this project will solicit national and international experts to develop such a process, refine it via expert elicitation, and then validate it via a tabletop exercise. The result will be the establishment of a national POC testing framework for FADswhich can be utilized to evaluate and/or modify point-of-care FAD diagnostic tests that may be used to respond to a future disease outbreak.
Project Duration: 2 Years
IIAD Project Team: Dr. Heather Simmons, Jessica Cargill
Outcomes, Solutions, & Impact: TBD